about conscious business coaching

 (let me save you the scroll, its £444p/m, with a minimum 3 month term)

I’m not the coach you come to if you want to talk KPIs, metrics, hustle and overtly masculine approaches.  I’m more likely to suggest you make a playlist to get to know your product offering than I am to give you a funnel strategy. 

That doesn’t mean you won’t end up with a highly sophisticated approach to your work, but it does mean how you get there may be little eccentric and curious.

It will also be fun. Because you have worked hard enough. 

Each client I work with in business receives unique suggestions for creating their body of work. There is no one size fits all. This is because I’ve found what works best is something that makes sense only to you…

If you’re most at home in nature, you’ll create your marketing plan inspired by the seasons. 

If you love to sing, you’ll create songs that guide your product creation. 

You feel the power in this, right?


This coaching is suitable to you as a brand new business owner as well as you feeling like you’ve tried everything suggested to you by every Instagram expert under the sun, and are now ready to transform your current approach to work with a radical new one. 

If you’re brand new to business, you’ll also receive access to my business fundaments course bundle which covers every step of creating your conscious business from the practical to the magical.  This optionally includes a DIY Squarespace website building course created by my business partner and tech-goddess Marina, if required. 

I believe in ethical, conscious, integrity-fuelled decision making across marketing, pricing and all business practice and I’ll hold you to this too. 

My philosophy in business is to create sustainability for you. We balance strategy with intuition, without elevating one above the other. 

I call it, Practical Magic. 


“Emma is the clearest mirror I have ever had the pleasure of being coached by. Her finesse of seeing me and my patterns so clearly, and  guiding me into exploring them in the most empowered ways allowed me to rocket ship through my limitations at lightening speed. Her combination of sage online business wisdom and her ability to guide me in alignment with my highest self brought me to my highest launch ever during our time together, which was also my launch with the most fun and the least amount of stress.  Even when I didn’t know what I needed or wanted to ask, Emma always knew what I needed. I am truly grateful for our time together” – Alexandra Danieli

Watch / listen to more client stories here, on YouTube. 


Practical info

Investment is £444 per month with a minimum 3 month term.

We’ll meet twice a month and each session is 1 hour.  Your investment includes bespoke assignments designed to create palpable transformation in record time, while not only being super gentle on your nervous system, but being tangibly nourishing to you too. 

I’m very selective about who I work with because I refuse to take your money if I don’t believe we can create exquisite results together.  I will be very honest with you about this.

If you’re ready to begin working together within the next 6 weeks and have the financial ability and time requirements to do so, please send me an email to hello@emmajaneargent.com and tell me more about your business and the work you’d like us to do together.

I look forward to reading your wisdom, heart and passion.